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    Wednesday, July 9, 2008

    Weekly Quotes

    All of us: On McCain possibly picking Mitt Romney as a running mate:
    Frank: Talk about a dream ticket - for the Democrats.
    Patrick: If McCain picks Romney, Barack Obama could literally pick a cactus as his running mate.
    Collins: He knows more about the economy than McCain.
    Frank: He's strong on the Environment.
    Collins: And he's from a desert state.
    Patrick: This puts Arizona back in play.

    Patrick: Listening to the first several Chords of "The Boys are Back in Town" by Thin Lizzy: "This song . . . needs a good hook."

    Gina: "I am not fodder for your MYSPACE!"

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Forget Romney, net neutral at best.

    McCain's gotta go for the gusto: Alaska Gov Sarah Palin!!!