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    Thursday, December 6, 2007

    Bill of Rights Under Bush: A Timeline

    As bad as you think it is. It's worse!
    Check it out here.

    Here's a few highlights:

    October 2006

    John Warner Defense Authorization Act is passed. The act allows a president to declare a public emergency and station US military troops anywhere in America as well as take control of state based national guard units without consent of the governor or other local authorities. The law authorizes presidential deployment of US troops to round-up and detain “potential terrorists”, “illegal aliens” and “disorderly” citizenry.

    May 2007

    National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51) establishes a new post-disaster plan (with disaster defined as any incident, natural or man-made, resulting in extraordinary mass casualties, damage or disruption) which places the president in charge of all three branches of government. The directive overrides the National Emergencies Act which gives Congress power to determine the duration of a national emergency.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Cue ominous music...

    Mace Windu Voice: "I sense a destroy the Constitution."