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    Thursday, November 1, 2007

    Greatest movie PSA . . . EVER!

    This should be played before every movie! Every Movie!
    Also I'd like this played at my funeral.
    It's Thursday night, and me and the boys sit down to watch the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie and I'm not kidding we could not get past this opening.
    Patrick almost blacked out, I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe at all, Collins almost choked to death on his drink. The rest of the movie is okay, whatever, but this was unbelievable!
    WARNING: This is profane. Not work safe! No kids in the room please.
    Sit yourself down take a big sip of of you favorite drink and hit play, quick before they pull it.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...


    I hate Aqua Teen Hunger Force...but that PSA was f-in' BRILLIANT!!!!!!!